June 8, 2021 in Animated

CGI Animated Short Film: “Symfaunic” by Symfaunic Team | CGMeetup

CGI Animated Short Film: “Symfaunic” by Symfaunic Team | CGMeetup

CGI 3D Animated Short Film: Symfaunic Animated Short Film by Erin Bergin, Bailee Blaylock, Shawn Felski, Wesley Gordon, Savanah Harris, Clara Kopitnik, Alexandra Kyzer, Gabriel Lopez, Leven Parguian, Ismael Perez, Nicole Ramos, Darby Snyder, Andy Soderstrom at the University of Central Florida. Featured on CGMeetup A young faun named Clove challenges the harmony of her forest glade when her new taste in music clashes with her brother’s teachings. The way her radical new style affects the forest around them goes at odds with everything Cornelius knows of tradition and stability, and he must choose between her happiness and his

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