September 4, 2019 in Animated

CGI Animated Short Film: “Breaking Ground” by Tara Norton, Ellie Morlino, Alex Shaulis | CGMeetup

CGI Animated Short Film: “Breaking Ground” by Tara Norton, Ellie Morlino, Alex Shaulis | CGMeetup

CGI 3D Animated Short Film: Breaking Ground Animated Short Film by Tara Norton, Ellie Morlino, and Alex Shaulis at Ringling College of Art and Design. Featured on CGMeetup Mary, a paleontologist’s assistant, finds herself working at the hands of an incompetent and misogynistic paleontologist named Mr. Collins on the Jurassic Coast of England. She receives a little help from an unexpected source to help prove her worth. 3D Animated short film by Tara Norton, Ellie Morlino, and Alex Shaulis, Produced at Ringling College of Art and Design. Project completed in May 2019. Home SUBSCRIBE to CGMeetup for more inspiring

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September 4, 2019 in Animated

CGI Animated Short Film: “Breaking Ground” by Tara Norton, Ellie Morlino, Alex Shaulis | CGMeetup

CGI Animated Short Film: “Breaking Ground” by Tara Norton, Ellie Morlino, Alex Shaulis | CGMeetup

CGI 3D Animated Short Film: Breaking Ground Animated Short Film by Tara Norton, Ellie Morlino, and Alex Shaulis at Ringling College of Art and Design. Featured on CGMeetup Mary, a paleontologist’s assistant, finds herself working at the hands of an incompetent and misogynistic paleontologist named Mr. Collins on the Jurassic Coast of England. She receives a little help from an unexpected source to help prove her worth. 3D Animated short film by Tara Norton, Ellie Morlino, and Alex Shaulis, Produced at Ringling College of Art and Design. Project completed in May 2019. Home SUBSCRIBE to CGMeetup for more inspiring

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September 4, 2019 in Animated

CGI Animated Short Film: “Breaking Ground” by Tara Norton, Ellie Morlino, Alex Shaulis | CGMeetup

CGI Animated Short Film: “Breaking Ground” by Tara Norton, Ellie Morlino, Alex Shaulis | CGMeetup

CGI 3D Animated Short Film: Breaking Ground Animated Short Film by Tara Norton, Ellie Morlino, and Alex Shaulis at Ringling College of Art and Design. Featured on CGMeetup Mary, a paleontologist’s assistant, finds herself working at the hands of an incompetent and misogynistic paleontologist named Mr. Collins on the Jurassic Coast of England. She receives a little help from an unexpected source to help prove her worth. 3D Animated short film by Tara Norton, Ellie Morlino, and Alex Shaulis, Produced at Ringling College of Art and Design. Project completed in May 2019. Home SUBSCRIBE to CGMeetup for more inspiring

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September 4, 2019 in Animated

CGI Animated Short Film: “Breaking Ground” by Tara Norton, Ellie Morlino, Alex Shaulis | CGMeetup

CGI Animated Short Film: “Breaking Ground” by Tara Norton, Ellie Morlino, Alex Shaulis | CGMeetup

CGI 3D Animated Short Film: Breaking Ground Animated Short Film by Tara Norton, Ellie Morlino, and Alex Shaulis at Ringling College of Art and Design. Featured on CGMeetup Mary, a paleontologist’s assistant, finds herself working at the hands of an incompetent and misogynistic paleontologist named Mr. Collins on the Jurassic Coast of England. She receives a little help from an unexpected source to help prove her worth. 3D Animated short film by Tara Norton, Ellie Morlino, and Alex Shaulis, Produced at Ringling College of Art and Design. Project completed in May 2019. Home SUBSCRIBE to CGMeetup for more inspiring

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