January 7, 2018 in Animated

CGI Animated Short Film “Ulysse” by Ulysse Team | CGMeetup

CGI Animated Short Film “Ulysse” by Ulysse Team | CGMeetup

CGI 3D Animated Short Film by MOPA – Hugo Bodoukian Meyrant, Martin Chabannes, Anne Labadie and Candice Theuillon. Featured on Ulysse short movie from Supinfocom Arles (now MOPA) directed by Hugo Bodoukian Meyrant, Martin Chabannes, Anne Labadie and Candice Theuillon. Original music by Sébastien Églème and Simon Tribault. Marion Tassou as lead singer. An oversized landfill… A bewitching song… Can you hear the call of the mermaid ? SELECTIONS AND AWARDS : * Sitges Festival (Spain – 2013) * Effet Stars Festival (France – 2014) * Sichuan Festival (China – 2013) * L’acharniere Festival (France – 2014) *

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January 7, 2018 in Animated

CGI Animated Short Film “Ulysse” by Ulysse Team | CGMeetup

CGI Animated Short Film “Ulysse” by Ulysse Team | CGMeetup

CGI 3D Animated Short Film by MOPA – Hugo Bodoukian Meyrant, Martin Chabannes, Anne Labadie and Candice Theuillon. Featured on Ulysse short movie from Supinfocom Arles (now MOPA) directed by Hugo Bodoukian Meyrant, Martin Chabannes, Anne Labadie and Candice Theuillon. Original music by Sébastien Églème and Simon Tribault. Marion Tassou as lead singer. An oversized landfill… A bewitching song… Can you hear the call of the mermaid ? SELECTIONS AND AWARDS : * Sitges Festival (Spain – 2013) * Effet Stars Festival (France – 2014) * Sichuan Festival (China – 2013) * L’acharniere Festival (France – 2014) *

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