August 6, 2017 in Animated

CGI Animated Short Film “The Wishing Cranes” by Ellen Arnold,Kaiya Telle,Thomas Anderholm | CGMeetup

CGI Animated Short Film “The Wishing Cranes” by Ellen Arnold,Kaiya Telle,Thomas Anderholm | CGMeetup

CGI 3D Animated Short Film: The Wishing Cranes Short Film by Ellen Arnold, Kaiya Telle and Thomas Anderholm from Ringling College of Art + Design. Featured on “When an orphaned paperboy fails to spend time with his light hearted younger sister she makes a wish by folding his newspapers into a thousand paper cranes” Wishing Cranes is an three and a half minute long 3D animated short film about Yuki and Sho, two orphan siblings living in Japan in the 1960s. Sho is a responsible brother and a hardworking paper boy, Yuki, his younger sister simply wishes she could

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