September 2, 2010 in Science & Technology

6 MORE Tricks, Hacks, and Pranks — “Up All Knight” Episode 3

6 MORE Tricks, Hacks, and Pranks — “Up All Knight” Episode 3

Up All Knight is back with javascript tricks, ‘hidden’ games on Macs, a YouTube easter egg, and some fun Visual Basic pranks 🙂 CODE #1 copy/paste it from here: CODE #2 do x = 1 WHILE x <= 1 message = msgbox(“Click OK to Close this box”, x = x + 1) wend loop CODE #3 Dim fso, ws, file, APP_PATH Set ws = WScript.CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”) APP_PATH = “””C:Program FilesInternet Exploreriexplore.exe””” APP_PATH do set shl = createobject(“”) shl.sendkeys “I eat donkey balls” wscript.sleep 8000 loop *****************

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September 2, 2010 in Science & Technology

6 MORE Tricks, Hacks, and Pranks — “Up All Knight” Episode 3

6 MORE Tricks, Hacks, and Pranks — “Up All Knight” Episode 3

Up All Knight is back with javascript tricks, ‘hidden’ games on Macs, a YouTube easter egg, and some fun Visual Basic pranks 🙂 CODE #1 copy/paste it from here: CODE #2 do x = 1 WHILE x <= 1 message = msgbox(“Click OK to Close this box”, x = x + 1) wend loop CODE #3 Dim fso, ws, file, APP_PATH Set ws = WScript.CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”) APP_PATH = “””C:Program FilesInternet Exploreriexplore.exe””” APP_PATH do set shl = createobject(“”) shl.sendkeys “I eat donkey balls” wscript.sleep 8000 loop *****************

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September 2, 2010 in Science & Technology

6 MORE Tricks, Hacks, and Pranks — “Up All Knight” Episode 3

6 MORE Tricks, Hacks, and Pranks — “Up All Knight” Episode 3

Up All Knight is back with javascript tricks, ‘hidden’ games on Macs, a YouTube easter egg, and some fun Visual Basic pranks 🙂 CODE #1 copy/paste it from here: CODE #2 do x = 1 WHILE x <= 1 message = msgbox(“Click OK to Close this box”, x = x + 1) wend loop CODE #3 Dim fso, ws, file, APP_PATH Set ws = WScript.CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”) APP_PATH = “””C:Program FilesInternet Exploreriexplore.exe””” APP_PATH do set shl = createobject(“”) shl.sendkeys “I eat donkey balls” wscript.sleep 8000 loop *****************

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